*Stadhuisplein | Eindhoven
What if a space is not defined by humans, but emerges from the natural growth of plants and animals?
'Stadhuisplein Levend Wezen' connects and strengthens natural networks, with a focus on soil and air. The square acts as a catalyst for the growth and development of flora and fauna, creating pleasant spaces for people as well.
An above-ground network of structures supports plant growth, providing a habitat
for animals and shade for people. Underground, natural networks, such as fungi, bacteria, and insects, are interconnected, enhancing not only the soil and moisture balance but also creating a more enjoyable atmosphere for people.
The square evolves into a space for both humans and animals'.
A 2023 project by Volle grond, van Tuijn stedenbouw, Lex Hildenbrant projectrole: environmental design & drawings
commissioned by gemeente Eindhoven

*up | Stadhuisplein Eindhoven | 'het bos'
*Stadhuisplein Eindhoven | 'het plein'
*Stadhuisplein Eindhoven | 'overview'
*Stadhuisplein Eindhoven | media