*A new spire | Birds monastry
Man and Nature*
The sacramentskerk in Tilburg is abandoned and the ship of the church will be be demolished soon. However the front facade including the tower will continue to excist.
The main purpose of the church was to bring people together.
Now, people do not get together here anymore and the new form of the building no longer lends itself to this purpose.
Now a new inhabitant will be invited. Due to the growing cities, there is less and less space for wildlife. A number of animals have learned to adapt and live in cities, like falcons, swallows, sparrows, pigeons and bats. The proposed copper cube will facilitate the housing and invite these new inhabitant.
The birds monastry as an ode and invitation to our new inhabitants.
*philosophy, design and drawings by lex hildenbrant
*George Perkins Mars, 1864
status | 2017 competition | study
up | front facade with copper cube
below | schematic section and plan

*A new spire | Birds monastry
Man and Nature*