*MediaMetro, longitudinal section ~ An information distribution point joins forces with a never used tube station as an underground sociocultural hybrid.
*MediaMetro exploded view
*Antwerp prognosed growth of Antwerp with new radials and crossing points. Mediametro is located there where socialcultural activities are most wanted.
*MediaMetro cross section ~ Each inhabitant of Borgerhout then has access to knowledge, information, urban goods, places to work and to debate, but also a place to relax and escape the pressures of city life.
*BiblioTube cross section ~ The BiblioTube contains a library, doubles as a transfer zone and serves as the axis connecting the MediaCube, the Sharing Market, the tube platform and the street. Here books are borrowed, shared, sold and celebrated.
*MediaCube cross section ~ The Media Cube operates as a maelstrom of media, people and light, its glass dome a window on the world today.
*MediaMetro street elevation ~ An entrance on the street introduces visitors to an subterranean world. The stair guides them round the Media Cube to the Biblio Tube in what used to be the underground ticket hall.
status | Graduation project selected for the Archiprix National 2013 and the Archiprix International 2015 |
Exhibition Tilburg NL | Den Bosch NL | Rotterdam NAI | Madrid SP | Published Archiprix 2013 | Archined
down | Publication Archiprix NL 2014 | Publication Archiprix international 2015 |
*Mediametro | Reusing the Metro
Old Values - New Standards
In the heart of Borgerhout, a part of Antwerp, beneath the traffic of Turnhoutsebaan, is MediaMetro. An information distribution point joins forces with a never used tube station as an underground sociocultural hybrid. It reuses and transforms an unused lot in a poor though vibrant neighbourhood that unites the inhabitants of Borgerhout living inside the Antwerp Ring Road (Intramuros) with those living outside it (Extramuros).
*nomitated Archiprix Nederland 2014
*nominated Archiprix International 2015
*Antwerp district Borgerhout.
There where socialcultural activities are most wanted is Borgerhout. To restrength the socialcultural structure, smart socialculural programs are proposed to bring together people with different backgrounds. So are senior people helping young people with their homework and can young entrepreneurs start up their busines in the common workplaces. Also needed facilities like daycare, bike and care sharing and an urban farm are provided.
To accommodate all functions, a metro system that has been unused for 30 years is being put into operation. The existing tram line is now being moved underground. This relieves the busy traffic on the street. The largest metro hall is used to house Mediametro.

Publication Archiprix NL 2014
Publication Archiprix international 2015
*MediaMetro, Cube longitudinal section

Madrid workshop Archiprix international 2015 | Yorgos Berdos, Frances Cooper, Yorgos Lavantsiotis, Alejandra Palma, Arno Wachtler