*Transforming the religious landscape
How architectural transformations relate to societal change
Right now we are witnessing an enormous religious transformation. The Church attendance is diminishing and religious buildings lose their purpose. Sometimes these buildings are used again, stay empty, or are demolished.
Although this fact is generally known, there's little awareness of the scale and the timeframe in which this unfolds. At the same time there are new expressions of religion to be found with their own spatial needs. 'What does this mean for the development of our future city?'
'Transforming the religious landscapes' gives us a snapshot of todays religious state in Eindhoven. The actual data, about scale and time is literally used to gain perspective into this development. Our aim is to create awareness and a platform, 'What is space and religion to you?'.

*Diagram Religious Buildings
List of the 64 Religious Buildings in Eindhoven since 1950 presented in their current state.
*13 Religious buildings are demolished | dark grey
*21 Religious buildings are vacant | grey
*30 buildings in use | light grey
*Frontview installation | 3D Diagram St. Catharinakerk Eindhoven | Dutch Design Week 2015
foto by Nick Bookelaar
*Sideview installation | Timeline seen from left to right 1950 - 2015 St. Catharinakerk Eindhoven | Dutch Design Week 2015
foto by Nick Bookelaar
*Frontview installation| 3D Diagram St. Catharinakerk Eindhoven | Dutch Design Week 2015
foto by Nick Bookelaar
*Frontview installation| detail 3D Diagram St. Catharinakerk Eindhoven | Dutch Design Week 2015
foto by Nick Bookelaar
*Map Religious Buildings of Eindhoven
List of the 64 Religious Buildings in Eindhoven since 1950 presented in their current state.
*Overview installation | expo St. Catharinakerk Eindhoven | Dutch Design Week 2015
foto by Nick Bookelaar
*Overview installation | expo Stadhuis Eindhoven
*Diagram sideview installation
*Datalist Religious Buildings Eindhoven
List of the 64 Religious Buildings in Eindhoven since 1950 presented in their current state.
*13 Religious buildings are demolished | dark grey
*21 Religious buildings are vacant | grey
*30 buildings in use | light grey
*View installation | expo St Joriskerk Eindhoven