*Google earth view Central Station Eindhoven
The megastructure separates man and nature. Nature is flourishing again, man is protected against wildlife and diseases.
*Postcard from the future
Eindhoven central station
Instead of the planned Manhattan-like skyline for Eindhoven an interlinked multilayered megastructure to create air and space by open 3d connected area's and infra's.
The structure is flexible and without architecture represented like a monument.
A smart grid invites the 3d digital world to merge and to become part of the physical.
*This project is a provocation on forthcoming urban developments and regulations during the COVID period
status | 2020 and in progress
project type | Research & visualization, philosophy

*Inside Central Station Eindhoven
Because of the public health more open areas and clean surfaces are needed. The smart grid works as an interface and helps us with the 1.5 meter distancing.
*Google earth birdseye Central Station Eindhoven
*Streetview Central Station Eindhoven