*a project by Philippe Rol and Lex Hildenbrant in collaboration with team Sweco
*Exhibition Dutch Design Week 2024
*Moment 1 | the invitation | The gate
Inner Landscape offers a fresh perspective on the development of new housing areas, which are typically designed primarily based on economic and functional requirements, while the natural environment is often weakened.
'This project explores how a symbiosis between humans and nature can be central, through seven guiding moments.'
These moments, inspired by both human and natural processes, focus on restoring nature and strengthening the community. In this way, residents can become part of a healthy ecosystem that fosters the emergence of new nature.
Here, you are invited to explore the landscape, together walk the paths and look around. What do you see growing here? Where does the path lead? The passage marks the threshold between the everyday and a look inward, towards your own nature. The space symbolizes a new beginning and offers perspective.
Regeneration | An impoverished soil and biodiversity are strengthened with the addition of native plants. The passage literally showcases the plants growing here and serves as a nesting site for insects and birds, built from local materials.
Community building | The passage is the starting point for various routes that can be explored. Group walks and educational programs can be organized to make the principles of regeneration accessible. Wouldn’t the passage be the perfect place to mark a new beginning, with for example a wedding ceremony?
*Moment 2 | Letting go | The fireplace
Mark a special moment together by a cozy fire, under a starry sky? This fire pit is where branches and wood, sourced from tree maintenance, can be burned. The fire invites the release of thoughts, ideas, and emotions, symbolizing transformation and purification.
Regeneration | This space literally tells the story of soil regeneration, inviting visitors to spread the charcoal remains into the surrounding landscape. Depleted sandy soils especially benefit from the addition of charcoal (biochar) to improve water retention and nutrient absorption.
Community building | The space invites visitors to connect with the landscape in a different way. This serene spot is perfect for ceremonies, celebrations, and memorials. The fire pit is also an ideal place for a special funeral ceremony.
*Moment 3 |Reflect | The waterwell
A moment of peace, a place to escape the bustle or have an intimate conversation. This is the place where water and the surroundings invite you to relax, reconnect with yourself, or bond with others. This space symbolizes silence, purity, and self- reflection.
Regeneration | This space tells the story of (underground) water and soil regeneration. Formerly drained polders struggle with salinized soils, where freshwater reserves can help improve soil health and create a healthier ecosystem with greater biodiversity.
Community building | A modern interpretation of the water well brings the story of water purification and its importance for the community to life. Is the water from the source drinkable? This space invites personal reflection and intimate encounters, while also providing room for purification ceremonies.
*Moment 4 | Grow | The tree
The place for growth and activity, a space to come together and organize activities. The tree forms the heart of the neighborhood and invites participation. It symbolizes continuous growth and change, as seen in the changing seasons.
Regeneration | An existing or newly planted tree marks the point from which other trees and plants are planted and managed. The roots are protected, and depleted soils are enriched by introducing fungal networks (Mycorrhiza inoculation).
Community building | Around the tree, the community gathers to celebrate, share stories, and plan for new plantings or the creation of a neighborhood garden. It is also a space for rituals focused on personal development and growth.
*Moment 5 | Challenge | Labyrint
A place to play, where you are challenged, can get lost, and can forget. This space invites active participation, the discovery of new perspectives, and being confronted or challenged. The ancient labyrinth symbolizes the inner quest and the obstacles we encounter along the way.
Regeneration | The addition of native plants and compost enriches the former agricultural land, restoring biodiversity above and below ground. The labyrinth guides you past various native and sometimes edible plants, showcasing regeneration. Over time, the labyrinth can evolve into a rewilded natural space.
Community building | Educational walks and activities bring people together, challenging both young and old to participate and collaborate. Traditional willow weaving is used to shape the landscape, becoming an integral part of the surroundings.
*Moment 6 | Recharge | Suntemple
The place to recharge yourself is also a mobility hub. While we often associate traffic with noise and discomfort, at this place human networks and nature come together. This spot literally provides energy, facilitating electric car-sharing, bike-sharing, and charged home batteries. Centrally organized, it minimizes its impact.
Regeneration | New area developments often face damaged soils. The mobility hub uses movable solar fields that also protect the soil, especially during the sun’s strongest hours. The hub acts as a neighborhood battery, helping to manage peak energy demand.
Community building | This is a place you visit together to recharge yourself, perhaps watching the sunrise during a morning yoga session on the rooftop. Around the hub, you can also track the neighborhood’s energy usage.
*Moment 6 | Accomplish | Viewpoint
A viewpoint to look back on the road traveled, reflect with satisfaction, and looking towards the future with confidence. This environment invites reflection on the journey taken and celebrates achieved goals. It marks completion and serves as a beacon and guide in the landscape.
Regeneration | The landscape becomes visible and measurable in its process of regeneration. Sensors and observation stations are integrated into the environment to document these changes. Improvements in biodiversity are presented and showcased at the observation center.
Community building | The viewpoint offers a physical space to look back, survey the landscape, and then make new plans. The educational center serves as the hub for walks and programs, inviting visitors to learn and explore.